Hey Dude (a letter to my wife on our anniversary).



we've been married almost 10 years.

Whoa. Thought I might be getting tired of you, then remembered I'm not. We should, like, go hang out at the mall later, or in the woods. Or do something totally cool. You around this weekend? No Timeline, eh? You're stubborn.


Her reply.

Dude, like totally.

Ten years. Whoa.
I am relieved that you remembered you have not grown entirely weary of me.

To me, you have not gone stale.
Something cool? Dude. Yes.

Timeline? Someday.



Note : our anniversary is four months away. Premature congratulations accepted.

This is Us.

The couple in a kitchen on a post-Christmas day, 2009

The couple in a kitchen on a post-Christmas day, 2009. Photo by Jonny Long ©2009