This is a little something I love (11 snippets of my brother on his 36th birthday).

My brother Jonny, 11 years my junior, turns a big age today.

He’ll wallop it. He’ll wallop it, he’ll face it and attack; run it down, use it up, go hard and bury so many memories in this year that someday we’ll be gasping to remember a fraction.

What is important, to me, about chronicling, documenting, remembering,

is not remembering, or trying to remember, everything. Or even most of something. It’s finding just the right amount to grab hold of and hold dear; something that lets you enjoy and immerse in the present, but also to tuck something away for savoring.

These are some savorings from the past; a past rich with experiences with this fellow. My medium brother, and one of my heroes.

Eleven slivers of Jonny