The raven and Dylan in the time of cholera.

A raven whisked across windshield;
a ladder flew off the truck in front soaring overhead
and a naked black cat streaked across the freeway so I took exactly nine breaths:

counted to 44 and reminded myself that Life is choices and decisions not bad luck and omens and OCD rituals and I opened the door of the coffeeshop and

Dylan's "I Want You"
was mumbling from hidden speakers and the day went from Good to Great because it is truly the most true and beautiful song ever,

and truthfully the greatest piece of honest music you'll ever hear, and it will change your life, and I suspect that something really good is going to happen to me today, or I am now inspired to make something really good happen.

Two children stopping outside a house to pet a cat

Or at least it will help make the next three minutes really good, if you believe in Love. And Luck.

Like I do. Happy Thorsday, world.

Bob Dylan
I Want You
Blonde on Blonde

One more thing:

Will you,
he said, peeking up at me with a small smile full of serious,
tell me another story of God?

And that’s how suddenly re-prioritize what was important five seconds before that question.