Things that happened on a wet Wednesday.

Goodnight to a three-year old.

Three-year old boy wearing oversize glasses smiles at the camera

What was a highlight of today for you?
I asked as I held his hand in the dark.

At first I was thinking we’d eat beans for supper,
he said.
But then I thought we were having sweet potato curry. I was looking for you all over and I couldn’t find you. But then I went into the kitchen and I thought you were vegetarian. But you were eating a baby penguin so you aren’t vegetarian.

Umm, I said. Is this a dream you’re planning on having later tonight when you’re asleep in five minutes?

No, he said casually. I just thought you were vegetarian but then I saw you eating a baby penguin so you’re not vegetarian.

That’s all you could come up with for today?
I asked.
What about all the school stuff we did, and playing memory game, and doing puzzles, and wrestling, and reading Dr. Seuss, and…?

Oh yeah, he said. But I thought you were vegetarian.

I said, transitioning:
I’m still vegetarian, and I love you six hundred and twenty-seven trillion.

he thought.
I love you more than a crab.

That’s a lot, I remarked.

Yeah, he said. And I love you more than a shark.

Whoa! I said. That’s a huge amount!

Yeah, he laughed. And I love you more than a shark eating you.

That’s quite a bit, I observed.Because I know there’s been a few times when you have stated how much you would love for a shark to eat me.

It would be funny, he said: if you were playing on a ball in the ocean, and a shark ate you.

I am glad you can see the humor in that. I said calmly. If a shark ate me, than you wouldn’t have a dad. So there.

Well, he thought carefully. I’d get another one of you. I could just have a copy of you.

Oh. I said. I hadn’t thought of that.
I thought a little more about that.
I hope he would be a good copy.
I said.
Well…goodnight, and sleep tight!

I left the room, and he hollered as I exited:

“Can you be quiet please! I’m trying to go to sleep!”

Nope, I screamed back.

“I’m going to drink a cup of coffee and eat another baby penguin!”


More posts below about life at age three :)