What doesn’t kill.

The newest question I’ve introduced into our evening supper conversations is:

Who is one person that helped make you stronger, or helped to bring out your best today?

Our daughter thought carefully. Finally, she said the following, and my heart is still glowing:

”Henry*,” she said. “He’s the one I went up against in Debate today. The topic was whether YouTube should be blocked or not in schools. It was a hard topic to debate and he made me stronger because I could see reasons for both sides and he forced me to think of the other side.”

The conversation continued, but I had to circle around here to that whole idea of embracing those that disagree with us…yet challenge us and make us stronger. May I have the humility, the courage, the discernment, and the wisdom to allow those into my life who will most challenge in the best ways and help make me stronger.

And may I do the same for others.

Three-year old boy with messy face eating soup at the supper table while an older brother works at computer in the background.

A three-year old’s interchange with a 43-year old.

“Hey,” he said. “There’s candy on our counter!”

“Sure is.” I muttered.

“Hey,” he said. “I am obeying, and also I am big. Can I have some candy?”

“No.” I said. “But I’ll get you some water.”

“Okay!” He said enthusiastically.”Can you get me some water?!”

“I can.”
I said.

And I did.