Michael in Portland

This is Michael. 

He hailed us in Northwest Portland, jogging down the sidewalk to let us know that we were "easy on the eyes" (hey, I'm just repeating what he said!) and to make sure we had contact info for his friend's talent agency. 

"Let me tell you something," 
he said. 
"I work with Wieden & Kennedy and Warner Brothers - you know Warner Brothers? - and I just got off a 42-hour flight from South Africa -you know the movie Safe House, with Denzel? Shot in South Africa. And I've had a few cocktails since I got back but I saw your family here and I said my god they're stunning!" 

- Well thanks Michael!" 
I said. 
"How about we get a picture with you?" 

So we flagged a kind stranger down and he graciously snapped several of us and our new buddy Michael. We conversed a bit more, in colourful fashion, and talked about his passion for funding arts education. A fine fellow. You made our family smile today, Michael. And blush a little. Cheerful travels and may our paths cross next time you're in Portland.



Eat big lunch.
Go watch CrossFit competition.
Get inspired.
Inspiration takes a nap.
What some might call "hibernation."
Eat a cupcake.
Complete circle.

Nice job, Bruno Marc Gupilan. Proud of you.