This is the Long Version, episode 004

Four episodes down! Thank you so much for listening!

As of last week, it’s now in the iTunes Podcast Store, which should make it much easier to listen to - and subscribe.

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This episode clocks in at an hour and four minutes (1:04). I talk for a second time with our daughter, this time about a variety of topics covering the German idea of schadenfreude, Hunger Games, Little Women, Homeland, Contagion versus World War Z, Socratic discourse, Geena Davis films, the illegality of children weaponizing their parents’ advice against them, and advice on being a better dad. It’s about fifteen minutes.

I also talk about the band Mates of State, introduce Jeremy Long’s new 15-second intro podcast song, and blame my daughter for not having enough time to talk about Greek and Latin.

We then jump into some questions about the Bill of Rights and U.S. Constitution, Chapter 4 of Astronomy (“Stars”), Chapter 5 of Judaism (The Exodus), and then wrap things up with some stuff I forgot. Like a thank you to someone at the end.

03:30 Relationships.
Mates Forever.
In which I talk about relationships, performance, mythology, and the need to combine magic and reality. Also, I repeatedly refer to the blog post this is is based on as being written in 2010, and as I’m writing this, am realizing that it was actually 2012. A small chronological error, but a mistake nonetheless. My apologies.

14:00 Conversations.
I speak with a twelve-year old about films, books, and advice on being a better parent. Along the way, we also cover the German concept of Schadenfreude and she is a good sport about helping demonstrate why it’s human nature to feel better at other people’s expense sometimes. We also talk about the last episode of Homeland (with no spoilers), Contagion, World War Z, Hunger Games, various Geena Davis films that I get confused about, and ways in which I could be a better dad. She forgets to say ‘love you’ at the end. So I remind her.

34:40 Greek and Latin.
We don’t have time for this because our previous guest spent so much time correcting her father (me). I demonstrate the idea of throwing somebody under the bus versus taking responsibility.

37:15 American History.
I talk about the Bill of Rights (Amendments 1-4) and the U.S. Constitution. But first, I commend President Trump for being super good at throwing other people under the bus. As in, he’s like, the best ever.

46:10 Astronomy.
Astronomy, chapter 04 : Stars

54:50 Religion.
Judaism, chapter 5 : “Exodus”

1:00:50 Wrapping things up.
Something I forgot to say thank you for.
Jeremy M. Long on SoundCloud
Lanessa Cherie Long on Instagram
Mates of State on Instagram

Thank you and see you next episode!

1:03:40 The End.

Thanks for listening!

Listen to Episode 001 of This is the Long Version

Listen to Episode 002 of This is the Long Version

Listen to Episode 003 of This is the Long Version