This is the Long Version, episode 001

02:00 Education and Parenting
Two thoughts on “educational content” and screen usage

07:05 Music
Franz J. Haydn

09:15 Conversations
I speak with a nine-year old about shooting time lapse videos, books, politics, part-time jobs at SNL, and pandemics.

18:30 Greek & Latin
“Ex post facto”

20:30 History
A mini-biography of Alaric the Visigoth

28:30 Science
A prologue to Astronomy and what we’ll be learning over the coming episodes.

31:20 Conversations
I speak with a 12-year old girl about coping mechanisms during her first pandemic, various fears, and book and film recommendations.

39:55 Religion
Introduction to Judaism (chapters 1-2)

44:45 Parenting, Dads, Childhood
Being the age you’re at. Stories, anecdotes, musings on fatherhood and being a kid. Or a human. Also, there’s some stories about nose-picking and effective hand washing in the age of pandemics.

49:50 Conversations with Admiral James
I speak to my brother over the phone, and we discuss actors, politics, and the natural segue of pediatric neurosurgeons to leading Housing and Urban Development.

55:25 Poetry
”No Man Is An Island” by John Donne

57:00 Outdoors
Musings and stories on camping and children.

1:02:50 Current Events
Thoughts on our first family pandemic and such.

And now…Episode 002 is available!