Hey Becca, thanks, and a few suggestions in the spirit of improvement.

Hey Bec,

This is really just a simple thank you. For the iced coffee you brought me earlier in the week after you got off work. Thank you. That’s all I wanted to say.



Tiny note: the straw was much shorter than I usually need for an iced drink. I like for my cold beverages to have a slightly longer route from the cup to my mouth for the best aeration and oxygenation. Also, as an FYI for the future, I really am partial to a pink or yellow straw. Suggestion: the next time you’re going to surprise me with a drink, maybe you could swing by IKEA first and pick up the right-sized, right-coloured straws? If you get them from IKEA, they may need to be trimmed approximately 1.5mm from the top (keep scissors or Dremel on hand). And don’t even bother bringing home the blue ones; trust me when I say you don’t want to be drinking any iced beverage through a blue IKEA straw.

I noticed the iced coffee wasn’t quite as icy as normal people such as ourselves might like, so perhaps next time, you could pick up a bag of ice, and put it in a cooler - remember a cooler - and then put the beverage in there to keep it cool. As long as you check the temperature every few minutes - remember a beverage thermometer - it should be fine. Just don’t leave it in there the whole way back; I hate it when it gets too cold and the ice is all stuck together. That’s my one finicky thing when it comes to cold beverages. As long as you pack it in the cooler well, and remember to stop every few minutes, there shouldn’t be any problem. Just make sure the straw doesn’t get bent. I hate that (as does everyone). If you don’t think you can pack it effectively (or if you’re too busy), then you might swing by a store and get a good thermos with the triple wall lining to keep it insulated. If you do get a thermos, make sure the handle is a good fit for my hands (you know my size).

Anyway, that’s my one note for next time. I LOVED the coffee so much, thank you!! I can’t wait to be surprised again! When are you thinking? Mondays are good, but feel free to check in on other times too. Just give me a heads-up when you’re thinking. And yeah, just a quick peek at the notes above. I can text you too.

Thanks again.
