Peeps, places, and organizations I support with all my heart.

J.M. Long

Portland-based art pop musician with impeccable melodies, many collaborators, and a killer little studio to record himself and others. Also…my brother;

a deep thinking free range soul, artist across genres, inveterate adventurer, and all-round beautiful person.


J.M. Long, Portland indie pop musician, dreaming up dreamy songs in the sunshine.

Rachel Nutter / The Blythe Cricket

Joseph, Oregon bakery + bistro with the messiest breakfast sandwiches this side of the Mississippi. Delicious blend of food, space, and people. Co-founded and run by…my sis-in-law;

a charming food-maker, delicious conversationalist, underrated outdoor athlete, and all-round beautiful person.


Rachel Nutter, co-owner of The Blythe Cricket, smiles her sparkly smile while holding a mug of Nossa Familia coffee.

Lanessa Cherie Long

Los Angeles-based musician, writer, and comedian with limitless imagination and a comedic sensibility like none other. Also…my sister;

heart-stoppingly talented singer-songwriter, hugger extreme, dream-igniter, and all-round beautiful person.


Lanessa Long takes on New York City as part of her solo show “Nobody’s Really Helped Me.”