Trader Joe’s travels and a little Dave Ramsey advice.


Look Daddy!
he said excitedly, directing me to the display in the camera store window.
Tripods! I've been meaning to get a tripod! How much is that one?

Let's see...
I said, checking it out.
...this one is two hundred and ninety-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents. Almost three hundred dollars.

he said, excitement still high.
Two hundred and ninety-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents? I don't think I have two hundred ninety-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents saved. I think I have...fifty-one dollars and thirty-six cents, or maybe fifty-two dollars and eighty-four cents.

I said.
Keep saving and you'll have enough soon if that's what you'd like to get. Especially if that dollar hanging out of your pocket doesn't fall out onto the sidewalk.

It's okay,
he said.
I'll just look for a really good tripod for ninety-nine cents.

I said.
I'll take one of those too.