In which we arrive home late, and that’s the kind of helpful I am.

the truck salesman asked my dad.
...what kind of extra options are important to you?

I jumped in, just to help my Pop out and show off my helpfulness.
I think,
I said,
that it would be pretty cool to have a rearview mirror.

And I realised a short while later that the salesman did not, in fact, find me very helpful. So, disappointing. But honestly, rear view mirrors are so important, and you can hang cool things from them.

December 12th. In which we arrive home late after a long day of working hard, playing hard, and driving lots.

It's probably a great thing to have strict bedtimes for your kids, but it just seems like there's so much to miss out on if you don't make exceptions every once in a while. Or...on a regular basis.

What can I say? We run hard. I still remember that great feeling as a kid of getting carried in from the car after an exhausting day.

Closed out the night with a lovely interactive Nativity walkthrough of the Christmas story, and they dug it - our son observed that the spears didn't look very real, and our daughter noted that one of the guides sounded like "...that guy from Elf." Intended as a compliment.

Very nice time with @meilanilong and @jonnylong15 - thank you for being such fabulous and fun people :) And nice job, Follow the Star people.