In which we do our Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve (right on schedule).

It's Christmas Eve, which means...'s time to start wrapping presents.

Feliz, all!

Famous Blue Wintercoat.

above : my son and Leonard Cohen

Normally, I don't like to trick children.*
But when I saw this poster of our son's nemesis, I couldn't pass up the opportunity.

"Hey buddy,"
I said casually, hoping he wouldn't get a glimpse of what was behind him before I had time to snap.
"Go ahead and stand right..there - okay, move over a couple inches, alright? And..snap. Got it. Look what's behind you!"

He turned around.
"Is that...Leonard Cohen?"
he asked, recognition slowly dawning.

I said proudly.
"And now you have a picture with him! Ha!"

he said, smiling furiously
"I still don't really like Leonard Cohen at all."

I said.
"This picture says otherwise."

And we walked off down the sidewalk together; one of us so proud of himself.