Five observations and questions about (mostly) food from our son.

he asked with affected casualness.
I'm hungry. Can I please have some sugar?

he said earnestly.
I want to make you a special recipe. Can you please get me some chocolate popsicles?

he informed me intently.
I was planning to make cupcakes for supper...where is the brown sugar?

4. You know what?
he asked, talking to whoever might be listening.
I don't really care for cotton candy.
It sticks to my mouth.

Four-year old blond boy drawing in bed.

5a. Can I make coffee?
he asked, getting the grinder out.
I love coffee.

5b. Can I open up the microwave?
he inquired, already pulling the handle.
I really want to make something.

5c. If there was saltwater in the toilet, could a fish live in it?
he asked.

5d. Could I stand up in the toilet?
he asked, continuing the thought.

If I fell in the toilet,
he asked, completing the question-triptych.
Would I go down the little hole?

I don't know.
I said.
I guess it would depend on how many cupcakes you had eaten.
