Countess and Son.

I don't care for the phrase 'a picture is worth a thousand words,' because it infers that a visual image is more valuable than language, and maybe it is occasionally, but I love books and Kurt Vonnegut way too much to support that notion in totality; however, if I was to put a price tag on this photograph I'd estimate its worth at right around a billion dollars. So yes, it is for sale. Cash.

I suppose there's a place in my heart for both. Also, a place in my heart for the two travelers in this image.


In case you weren't aware, Anthropologie always has complementary cookies and punch around holiday season. Just in case you didn't know. Now you do.

And they are very nice to children, and uncles. Thanks.

Shaggy bearded male looks lovingly and lustfully at his blonde bride as she gazes confidently at the camera while on a river cruise.