Dedicated follower of fashion.


is about what other people like.

It is generally about wardrobe and accessories.

It has a lifespan, though revisions of the same trends usually cycle back every 20 years.

It has its place.


is about what you like.

It is, more than anything, about

good posture, 
about creating ownership over your wardrobe, 
about knowing your jawline, 

dressing in threads and colors that make you feel alive, and living with


               a kind spirit, 

               and a bold sense of curiosity.

It has no lifespan, though it might go through many iterations as your muse guides you (it doesn't have to though; look at Steve Jobs).

Nobody can take away your style, nobody, if you don't let 'em, once you got it.

It is yours.

So I've heard.

also, listen to the Kinks. Waterloo Sunset = of my favourite ballads ever.