No idea where she got it.

She runs into the kitchen,
where I am making supper.

Grabs my Kodak video camera,
turns it on and looks at me
as she races out the front door. Announces over her shoulder,

I have got to video this...I have just got to video this!

I peek outside. She is hunched over,
inspecting rocks with one hand and videoing herself inspecting them with
the other.

She looks up.
What day is it?

Monday, I reply.

She turns back to her rocks.
Continues shooting, lens pointed
back towards her. Begins
narrating to camera.

Today is Monday, and
Mama is going to be home soon.

I chopped a tomato, and
my heart was so filled with
joy that I almost sank through the floor, which I need to replace.

But then we just ate supper and
listened to Django Rheinhardt.