This is the Long Version, episode 010 : Lanessa

I talk with my younger sister Lanessa about a variety of topics, including swimming, fears, art, and COVID. Also, we dance and banter around a bunch of other half-finished meanderings about being an aunt, politics, film, books, and other items that interest us. Lanessa is an artist who blends up music and comedy into sometimes interwoven, sometimes separate genres via stand-up, film, and sketch improv.

Also, she is a magnificent and and magical human being whose presence, even virtual and remote, may fill with you a thoughtful energy and renewed interest in living a unique and imaginative life.

This episode clocks in at 37 minutes and 57 seconds.

Love y’all and thanks for listening.

— Joseph

Thanks for listening!

Episode 001

Episode 002

Episode 003

Episode 004

Episode 005