Collected Histories of the Fantastic, volume I


The incidents described in the following chapters should not be considered within the realm of journalism, for they contain circumstances and characters which may not be considered within the traditional historical record and as such, suffer from a dearth of documentation.

Wherever possible, efforts have been taken to provide sources and a chronology of the histories. Not significant effort, but effort nonetheless.

Marshy forest in Camas, Washington on Greenway Trail.

The reader is advised to read the footnotes, which frequently provide a deeper and more meaningful context to the world in which a particular incident occurred.

Little effort has been put into arranging words in the syntax appropriate for a formal class; likewise, even less effort has been placed into verifying the chronology of one tale occurring in relation to another. There is certainly overlap in some of the following histories, and where it was not excessively difficult, research has been conducted to note where stories overlap.

In summation, the author hopes your experience reading these histories provides an educational and enjoyable summary of the fantastical events that have taken place outside of the traditional historical records.

Yours in truth and research,

Joseph Ivan Long.